
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Health insurance through yoga

One of the most baffling facts about our civilisation is that the secrets of good health and a disease-free life remained locked and uninvestigated in the old Hindu scriptures. Such wisdom, the results of studies and investigations are now trickling.
The dynamics of yoga revolve around rhythmic breathing exercises across a wide range. A complete scientific discipline as Shwas Vigyan- Science of Breathing was in place and practised in the days of yore. A particular breathing exercise would have a specific effect on the physiology (functioning of living system) of its practitioner. Its sustained practice over a long period is capable of bringing a visible, desired change in the physiology.

You, if an uninitiated one, can understand the far-reaching effects of these exercises by practising for just a minute, for instance, Kapalbhati, a key breathing exercise, which regulates a host of metabolic processes that take place in our body.

To do the exercise, sit on the floor in cross-legged position, resting your hands on your knees and back straight. With your eyes shut, force your breath out in quick succession, with gentle strokes of your stomach which happen themselves without any effort on your part. You have to concentrate only on exhalation while inhalation shall be involuntary. There should be at least one second of gap between two such forced breaths.

The breathing should neither be so forceful that you cannot sustain for long nor so mild that it falls short of the desired effect. You must do this exercise empty stomach, at least 5 hours after a full meal or two hours after a light one. It is a good idea to do kapalbhati 15 minutes  to half an hour before heavy dinner you are going to have, for instance, at a party.

In either situation if you feel heavyness in the stomach or acidity, a minute or two of the breathing exercise should address that. Heavyness and acidity will soon disappear with this simple exercise. You actually don't need a digestive or antacid for the purpose. Call it a magic, but it is pure science.

Kapalbhati, as even the modern medical science is discovering, is known to stimulate and energise our vital organs seated in the abdominal space. This exercising of our vital organs is just not possible whether you run a marathon, swim or pole vault. The breathing exercise over a stretch of few weeks to few months is a sure shot way to set right even most chronic of digestive conditions besides enabling the intestines to efficiently draw maximum nutrition from minimum food.

A yogi, hence, is a small eater but fit like a fiddle. You don't need to control your diet, if for instance, you are obese. Yoga sets your diet, weight, metabolism right. That is no small benefit. It is literally transforming, leading to a disease-free and long life.

If you are thinking of buying yourself or your family health insurance you may shelve it for a while. Get on to a regular regime of yoga and see if you still need to buy the insurance. Chances are that you will perish the idea. Just like I did several years back.